The Sports Docs Podcast

104: Ask The Sports Docs: Is Cryo-Pneumatic Therapy Post-Operatively Worth It?

We get lots of questions from our patients and our listeners each week. And they’re great questions, so rather than responding individually we thought we’d do these mini episodes where highlight some of the best questions and our responses. So, let’s get started! Today’s Ask The Sports Docs is going to focus on one specific question that we get asked a lot from patients, and review a recent article that came out about this topic.

We both use cryotherapy and cryo-compression therapy postoperatively after our knee and shoulder surgeries.  Many of these devices are unfortunately not covered by insurance, and therefore require patients to pay out-of-pocket.  A question we get asked all the time from our surgical patients is: “Is this worth it?” Basically, do cryo-compression devices offer a significant benefit compared to a bag of peas? Is the cost worth it?